Hey Wax Trax! people, just a quick little documentary update…
Thanks for all the Wax Trax! folks who made it out to the Seattle premiere of INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT last Saturday. What an amazing turnout and thank you for all the wonderful comments and private messages we’ve received. We’re so happy you liked the film!
We’re not through with you Seattle. Our second screening is tomorrow MAY 22 at the Egyptian Theater…But the real fun happens as we close out Seattle International Film Festival on MAY 30. The final screening will include a special panel with…
PAUL BARKER (Blackouts/Ministry/Lead Into Gold/Pailhead/Acid Horse)
PATTY JOURGENSEN (Manager for Ministry & Blackouts)
ME (AKA-Julia Nash)
BILL RIEFLIN (Blackouts/Ministry/Lead Into Gold/Pailhead/Acid Horse)
You can find tickets to all the scheduled screenings on the SCREENINGS page
We will constantly be adding and updating cities and dates as the festival season moves forward, so check back often or sign up for the newsletter.
To re-answer a common question that we’ve received over and over again (This has been answered on our FAQ page for some time now)
“WTF-Why don’t you bring this film to (insert your city here)?”
It’s very important to remember, we don’t pick the festivals…The festivals pick us. When we submit to (Insert random film festival here), they either accept this film for their programming or they decide to pass. Our suggestion is, if you want the Wax Trax! documentary to screen at a film festival near you, please contact the festival directly to put it on their radar.
A big follow-up thanks to all of our Nashville homies who were able to catch the film last week. We had such a great time, and getting Groovie Mann down there to help with the Q&A was magical. After we finish up with Seattle, it’s onto Chicago, Montreal, and Brussels…Hmmm, How about the east coast you ask? We always liked New York in July. -Just sayin’
That’s it for now.
More info on future screenings as well as soundtrack reward info, DVD releases and all things INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT will be updated asap.
Thanks again for all the great feedback on the film. We’re super excited that it has been received so well and can’t wait to share it with a larger audience!
Until next time,
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